Always progressing on behalf of our customers
Our company's history is very closely linked with the industrial and technical changes over the years – from 1901 to the present day. Right from the outset, we have put the needs of our customers first and have always been one step ahead of the times. This has remained the case right up to today.

The two brothers, Adolf and Fritz Titgemeyer, establish a wholesale business in Melle, dealing in commodities required by wagon builders and blacksmiths.
The company moves to Osnabrück and trades under the name "Gebr. Titgemeyer Osnabrück" from then on.
The firm relocates to Seminarstraße but remains in the city of Osnabrück.
In spite of the inflation rate, Titgemeyer adds bodywork and trailer hardware to its product range. 1919: Fritz Titgemeyer retires from the company.
The company also begins specialising in tool manufacturing and acquires its first subsidiary, Berlin-based AGIL.
For the first time in the company's history, Titgemeyer exceeds one million marks in annual sales.
A bombing raid on Osnabrück razes the business and office premises to the ground. Adolf Titgemeyer, his wife, and numerous employees die in the raid. Car-maker Wilhelm Karmann helps keep Titgemeyer's wholesale trade going. While on leave from the front, the two brothers, Ernst-Adolf and Walter Titgemeyer, transfer the company's wholesale operations to Bad Rothenfelde.
The first phase of the warehouse and office building construction project is completed and 31 employees can once again take up their work. After 1945: The sisters of the Titgemeyer brothers relocate the company back to Osnabrück. Barracks are rented to enable makeshift operations to re-commence.
New product catalogues are produced for the commercial vehicles sector and Titgemeyer becomes a Lemmerz wheels distributor, first in the Emsland region and subsequently for all of Germany.
Titgemeyer presents its commercial vehicle products at the first post-war International Automobile Exhibition (IAA). Up to the 1950s, the company focuses on manufacturing vehicle components.
A second branch is opened in Kassel.

sees Titgemeyer obtain the exclusive rights to distribute POP blind rivets in Germany.
Metall- und Kunststoff-Verarbeitungsgesellschaft mbH (MKG), a fully-owned Titgemeyer company, is established in Münster and then relocated to Lotte.
Titgemeyer generates 15 million marks in annual sales for the first time in its history and develops the GETAL range (GETO VAN).
The first IBM office machines are procured and additional buildings leased for warehousing.
The Gesellschaft für Befestigungstechnik Gebr. Titgemeyer company is established.
The facility in Lotte begins producing GETO VAN 70 and TILA door hinges.
The subsidiary in Vienna, Austria, is established.
Ernst-Adolf Titgemeyer is awarded the Federal Cross of Merit.
The company generates 50 million marks in sales for the first time in its history.
Gebr. Titgemeyer APS Copenhagen is established as a subsidiary in Denmark. We also move in to our new bulk storage facility in Osnabrück-Fledder, which comes with its own railway siding.
Managing partner, Ernst-Adolf Titgemeyer, passes away in September and his son, Gerd-Christian Titgemeyer, takes over from his father as managing director.
Walter Titgemeyer and Walter Schmidt found the TS-Gesellschaft für Transport- und Sicherungssysteme company.
Walter Titgemeyer is awarded the Federal Cross of Merit and hands over the reins to the company to his son, Manfred Titgemeyer.
Titgemeyer generates over 80 million marks in annual sales for the first time in its history.
The company moves into its newly-constructed office building on Hannoversche Straße, and hires its first field sales representative for the newly-formed federal states starting in October.
The subsidiary Titgemeyer UK Ltd. is established in Tipton near Birmingham.
Titgemeyer opens a branch in Sweden.

Titgemeyer acquires the Czech-based RIVETEC S.R.O. company.

Titgemeyer celebrates 100 years in business.
Titgemeyer acquires its long-time supplier, Baker & Finnemore Limited, in Birmingham, and recruits its first field sales representative for the Netherlands.
Joachim Sommer Dr. (Univ. Nebraska-Lincoln) is appointed sole Managing Director of Gebr. Titgemeyer GmbH & Co. KG and GTO Beteiligungs-GmbH. The previous managing directors, Gerd-Christian and Manfred Titgemeyer, stay on at the Group as shareholders.
- Titgemeyer Group receives its certification from the chamber of commerce as an "IHK TOP Training Company".
- Foundation of the subsidiary Titgemeyer CZ in the Czech Republic on 1 December 2017.

The Titgemeyer company acquires RIEKO GmbH, a company based in south Germany.

The Titgemeyer company acquires Cirteq Limited, a company based in Yorkshire, England.
- Dietrich Leifert takes over the management.
- Titgemeyer opens a branch in Finland.